
The VT EM Railgun program has been made possible by these past & present sponsors:

Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division provides research, development, test and evaluation, analysis, systems engineering, integration and certification of complex naval warfare systems related to surface warfare, strategic systems, combat and weapons systems associated with surface warfare. Provide system integration and certification for weapons, combat systems and warfare systems. Execute other responsibilities as assigned by the Commander, Naval Surface Warfare Center.

ANSYS, Inc. Through a Strategic Partnership, ANSYS, Inc. provides ECSL with powerful finite element based engineering software for multi-physics simulation that is needed for all facets of the railgun program.

The Naval Engineering Education Center, lead by University of Michigan was an organization created for the development of engineers to help lead the Navy forward. Many different projects were sponsored by the NEEC to provide hands on experience in projects of relevance to build knowledge and enthusiasm for the field. As of mid-2015 it has been renamed the Naval Engineering Education Consortium. NEEC cultivates a world-class naval engineering workforce through student participation in project-based research conducted at colleges and universities. Directed by NAVSEA Warfare Center headquarters and implemented at ten Divisions across the country, NEEC projects target the Navy’s most relevant technology needs.

The Office of Naval Research promotes and executes the science and technology programs of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. One of their missions is to develop technologies to enable the Navy-Marines Corps team to win and survive on the battlefield. They support the development of advanced electronics, communication, ocean battlespace testing, sea warfare and weapons and naval air warfare and weapons.

The Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science at Virginia Tech enhances the university’s ability to address large-scale research opportunities by crossing traditional disciplinary boundaries. ICTAS focuses on emerging technologies at the intersections of engineering, the humanities, and the physical, life, and social sciences.

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