About the Lab

ECSL (Energy Conversion Systems Laboratory)

The Energy Conversions Systems Lab is a 1400 sq. ft. laboratory located in Whittemore Hall on Virginia Tech's campus. The majority of the railgun work takes place in this lab. Students, volunteers, and faculty meet in the lab regularly to complete tasks and further development of the project. The laboratory houses the reduced-scale railgun system and is equipped with, among others:

•    mechanical workshop facilities (drills, drill-press, tools, etc.)
•    oscilloscopes with LV and HV testing equipment
•    power supplies and power metering equipment
•    multimeters, multiplexers and other electronic labequipment
•    optical isolation transmitters and receivers
•    optical isolation system for electrical equipment
•    safety equipment (HV, electrical, chemical)
•    fume hood
•    soldering station
•    computers, printer/copier
•    lab benches and worktables
•    conference table and presentation monitor

    FEA Modeling, CAD tools and software:

- The lab uses several circuit design and CAD tools, such as AutoDesk Inventor for creating new parts or analyzing new designs.
- ECSL has a comprehensive suite of ANSYS software licenses through a unique partnership between ECSL and ANSYS Inc.

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Team Projects

The railgun project attracts graduate and undergraduate students from all engineering disciplines. These students work in teams to design, build, test, and preform research on various aspects of the railgun system. Some of the projects the students have worked on include the bus bar design, inductor design optimization and fabrication, pulse-power thyristor gate-drive design, armature design, control software, voltage monitoring algorithm, microcontroller software, networked digital data acquisition, velocity measurement systems, safety equipment, force measurement, bore measurement and instrumentation, to mention but a few.

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